Saturday, December 20, 2008

Mom's Words of Wisdom

A couple of years ago, I remember a phone call in which my mother told me proudly about how she shoved half a pecan pie down the garbage disposal (go on, it's okay to cry). She pointed out that if you have one, you should use the disposal to churn away food (or run it under the sink to ruin it). If you just toss it in the trash can, you can pull it out again (yeah, you know what she means).

A nutritionist friend of mine says that a marker for success in weight management is whether or not the client is able to throw away food. It goes against the grain (HA!) psychologically, emotionally and physically. But if you can overcome all of those signals, it bodes well for your ability to watch what you eat.

Try it today on something you know is unhealthy, but will be tempted to eat anyway. Soak down three Christmas cookies. Grind up five hershey's kisses. And reflect on the emotional ride it takes you on. How much resistance do you feel? Do you really OVER-react to the idea of pitching tasty food?

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