Sunday, December 07, 2008

Eat More, Lose More

The basic principle behind diets is "Eat less." Less fat, fewer carbohydrates, less food over all.

Most people, however, don't get the bare-minimum five fruits and vegetables a day (small pieces of fruit; half a banana, a handful of baby carrots--serving sizes here are NOT huge).

Why not track it today? Write down every time you eat a piece of produce (and no, fried potatoes in any form do not count). You might find that if you try ADDING produce to your diet that you feel fuller longer and cut back on the sense of psychological deprivation that leads many of us to the fridge when we aren't actually hungry.

I like cauliflour steamed with cumin, garlic powder and olive oil. Broccoli steamed with a little cheddar cheese (3 minutes in the microwave and presto!) Cherry tomatoes and chunks of avocado. I don't avoid the fats--I just add the vegetables to them!

I'd love to hear from you, so post your "produce" count for the day in the comments section.

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