Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Do You Get In Your Own Way?

Lifestyle choices are daily decisions about how you will treat yourself. Whether you exercise or smoke, what you eat, if you wear a seat belt or sunscreen, how you spend your time----these choices determine to a large extent both the quality and length of your life.

When your choices get in the way of your desires and dreams, what do you do—-change the choice, or throw away the dream?

Do you avoid the refreshing water and warm sun in summer because you don't want to be seen in a swimsuit? Do you let fear of other people's opinions prevent you from dancing at a wedding reception--sitting at a table, toes tapping, head bopping all night long?

Whether your body is physically unable to do what you want, or your heart is too broken to try, this day, this week can be a new beginning for you. Make one choice to be good to yourself. One less cigarette means lower blood pressure for the next 24 hours. One 15-minute walk means a better mood. One serving of fruit or vegetables means your GI tract will work faster and better. Tiny choices, over and over again, are the steps to living a radiant life.


Kathy said...

I think I'll print this off and put it on my bathroom mirror. Great words of encouragement... thanks!

btw, my captcha is "sabilise". Sounds like a hip hop singer... or a brand of laxative.

radiantfitness said...

Sabilise could be your alter ego . . . channel her whenever you get to do cardio again!