Monday, January 21, 2008

Big Words, Little Steps

Discipline. Perseverance. Consistency. Structure.

Just seeing these words I find myself all but overcome with the urge to race to some cowboy bar, waving my credit card wildly, shouting, "This round is on me!" I like words like "creativity" and "spontaneity." At first glance, these four big words seem soul-numbing and overwhelming. You must a person with "character" and "fortitude." I'm just me.

Behind each of these concepts, however, is simply repetition--doing the best thing possible for your body, spirit and mind again and again. Taking one walk is good. Taking a walk every day is better (consistency). Taking a walk before your morning shower or during your lunch break is wonderful (structure). Taking a walk even though you don't feel like it is admirable (discipline). Taking that walk after you've given up on walking for months, or even years, is worth three cheers (perseverance).

There is great comfort in repetition: When you know every day what you will eat, whom you will hug, where you will earn your money and where you will sleep, you can relax. Your basic needs are cared for. You need not fear.

So instead of beating yourself up because you "have no discipline," just go take a ten-minute walk. You will feel better than you did only 15 minutes earlier. Tomorrow, go take another (even if it's just up and down the hallway 10 minutes). You'll feel justifiably pleased with yourself. And if, on Wednesday, you don't walk, then get up on Thursday and give it a go. Physically, mentally and emotionally you'll feel lighter, happier--more creative and spontaneous!

They're such big words--but really, such little steps to making your life better this very day.
