The stated purpose of the Holidaily is to keep us on track in avoiding the Horrible Holiday Pound. This is the extra pound of fat most American adults (and more and more American children) add on between Halloween and New Year's Day.
So your task for the day: Go weigh yourself and write it down. Yep. That's it. Weigh yourself and write the number on a piece of paper (or post it as an anonymous comment at the end of this blog entry).
"But I don't want to!" you cry. Neither did I. The fact is, however, we cannot prove our strategies are working if we don't gather the data (guess what you'll be doing on New Year's Day as well).
It's perfectly fair to strip naked before you weigh. It's fair to wait until after you poop. It's fair to stand on your tippie-toes in the middle of the scale and hold your breath. But it's not fair to yourself to avoid reality.
15 minutes ago I stood naked on tippee-toes with my breath held and weighed 127. This is one pound away from my "trouble weight"--the weight where I start to feel sluggish, unattractive, congested and my zipper on my pants resists. We all have a trouble weight (and many are well past that number right now). In order to figure it out, you must face the scale on a regular basis.
"But I don't own a scale," a couple of you are saying, with a certain self-righteous, smug gleam in your eye. You think you've crossed a psychological barrier and reached a particularly zen-like freedom. Yeah, right. But you still frown in disgust when you look in the mirror and that zipper still fights back. It's time to find a scale--if not your own, then one at your local Weight Watchers meeting (which remains the food management system that has the best scientific data supporting it).
You're worth the truth. Go find out what that is, then come back and key it in. Together, all of us can change reality.
I hate that this is going to have my name on it. I also hate that I didn't have the guts to do it the first time I read the blog, but if I'm going to go "all in" I guess I have to come back here and take action. I weighed myself at 178. This is 40 pounds over what I should be weighing according to the charts.
I don't like THAT either, but I am taking action to change it.
PLEASE keep these blogs coming!! I really need them. : ) Me
You are off to the right start and doing smart things in knowing the state of your weight, knowing where "healthy" lies, and gaining (public) support to get you there. This could be the best holiday season you've had in recent years if you're ready to celebrate YOU!
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