Monday, November 10, 2008

Mondays Can Be Wonderful!

Got your gloves? Your scarf? Thick socks? Hat or earmuffs? Good. Go for a short walk today, preferably right after reading the Holidaily. 10 minutes is all I ask. Or, if you can't stand the cold, put on your old Duran Duran CD (or the Archies, depending on how old you were when cardio was fun) and shake it loose for two or three songs. 10 minutes. That's all.

Dr. Wayne Westcott, one of my favorite fitness gurus (he's no Mehmet Oz in the looks department, but still . . .) has good research that shows that people who exercise on Monday tend to continue for the rest of the week.

So start (or restart) this day right. Eat a piece of produce, get a walk, take a big gulp of water. If it's all downhill from here, at least start on the high ground, won't you?

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