Many of you already know that I have a little thing for Drs. Mehmet Oz and Michael Roizen (authors of You: On A Diet and the RealAge series). Not only are they personable, cuddly people, but they explain the science behind weight loss and lifestyle management with humor and clarity.
Their new book came out today. Thanks to their OLD book(You: Staying Young), I've already got a list going of the supplements I'll be adding to my diet. I'm going to need one of those three by seven pill boxes, apparently. They have a host of other recommendations, from chi gong to washing out your sinuses (which I do. Delightful it isn't, but it works).
The very, very, very first item on their lifestyle overhaul list is . . . 30 minutes of walking every day. Yep. They have a two-week plan for changing your habits and it begins, number one, with walking. Of all the vitamins you can take and sinus-washing sessions you can enjoy, the most important thing of all is the exercise!
I suppose I must consider the possibility that I adore them so much because they reinforce what I say about exercise being the one and only fountain of youth . . . . and they're cuddly.
(P.S.--Want their books, or other fitness and wellness related items? Visit the Radiant Fitness Amazon Media Store for some online holiday shopping.
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