Saturday, November 29, 2008


Years ago, I popped in my Buns of Steel videocassette and did squats under the direction of some fellow with way too much facial hair. Today, I can download streaming video of a yoga class or a review of basic Tae Kwon Do forms. No matter what kind of exercise appeals to you, you have access to it at your fingertips.

When it comes to working out with a virtual instructor, there are very few rules. You don't have to dress up (heck, you don't have to dress at all). You don't have to brush teeth or hair. You don't have to shuffle for position in class (though you may need to move the coffee table back or put your chair under your desk). And you don't even have to do the whole thing! Yep. You can hit pause, stop, delete at any time during your workout and the person on the screen will not be offended, hurt or worried if you do. So if your Billy Blanks video is 45 minutes long, you can Tae your Bo for 12 minutes. Billy is fearsome looking, but he won't jump off the screen at you. No matter what names you call him, he won't say a word. Since most exercise videos are taught at a lower intensity than actual classes, you can even start in the middle of the workout (just take it easy for the first five minutes to get yourself a little warmed up).

So peel the shrinkwrap off that DVD. Click on that YouTube link. Give yourself 10 minutes today to try one of those videos you've got gathering dust under your bed. If you hate it, put it in the Goodwill bag. If you don't hate it, do another 10 minutes tomorrow.

Do you lack a Total Gym (or even a pair of dumbbells?) Yoga, martial arts-style workouts, aerobic dance don't require any equipment. Do you live in a tiny apartment? Your coffee table can serve as a bench. No matter what your resources (or perceived lack thereof) there is a way for you to get stay fit and healthy. Isn't it wonderful to know that you have everything you need, right now?

Want to shop anyway for YOUR holiday gift? Visit the Radiant Fitness store.

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