Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Failure of Optimism

"This year will be different," we tell ourselves. We will not eat two pieces of pumpkin pecan pie at Thanksgiving. We will not raid our children's plastic jack-o-lanterns for the KitKats. Our house will be clean, organized and our dining table will look like something out of a magazine spread. We will not spend $600 more than we budgeted on Christmas presents--and if we do, our friends and families will actually appreciate what we give them. Come January 1 we will lose weight, pay off our debts, begin a personal spiritual practice and be serene for 2009.

As a confirmed optimist who believes in the power of positive thinking, I make those same plans, state those same intentions and set those same goals. Often I fail to hit the mark--but then again, often I do.

What I've had to learn is that hope is lovely, but action is magic. It's not enough to "tell the universe" what you want to have happen, then sit back and wait for the fairy dust to sprinkle down.

Between the hope and the magic comes the plan. Whether you want to lose the clutter in your basement or the clutter on your butt, the same three stages apply: Dream it, plan it, create it.

Every self-help book on the shelves writes this same story (take a moment and check any one of them in your stack): Set a goal, make a step-by-step plan, and then follow the plan.

Some of you might gain a pound or two this holiday season. You might end up looking at your January credit card statement--then shoving it under the self-help book stack. If you do, don't say to yourself "I don't know what happened." That's untrue--and it's a waste of your time and energy.

Instead, tell yourself, "I know how to fix this." Then seek the help, the resources and support so that you can plan and create a great 2009.

P.S. The weekly motivator goes to a Holidaily beginning this Friday! If you want to be on the reminder list, send me a blank e-mail to

P.P.S. If you're local, Tuesday is the first night of the new belly dance classes. Register online now at

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