In seven short months, the days will be longer than the nights. Steve and I will hire a sitter and join a couple thousand of our closest friends as we kayak six miles down the Ohio River for Paddlefest 2009. Once a year, we see Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky from angles most people will never see. On Sunday after the float, my shoulders will be tired. My hands will have blisters. But I will still be riding high.
Most dreams involve doing something—climbing a Hawaiian volcano, hiking through the Scottish heather, pitching the opening ball at a World Series game. Even lying on a beach requires hauling out a chaise and squeezing into Speedos.
What are your top ten trips? What ten things do you want to do before you die? Pick one this week and go into training. Take a short walk so you can run someday in Boston. Lift a couple of weights so that you can heft that chaise. Your body can make just about anything happen for you--but you've got to let it try!
Thanks for your plug for the Ohio River Paddlefest, now the largest paddling event in the US with 1,600 paddlers in over 1100 canoes and kayaks enjoying the majesty of the Ohio River. This year's Paddlefest will be held on June 26 and 27, 2009 at Cincinnati's Coney Island and Public Landing. All the details are available on our website at www.OhioRiverWay.org
Thanks! Brewster Rhoads, Paddlefest Chair
Cool! We're saving the dates now. With enough reader interest, we might even bring a whole Radiant Fitness contingent!
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