Monday, December 29, 2008

It Ain't Over Till It's Over

What was your 2008 fitness resolution? Do you remember it? Did you meet your goal, or were you finished on January 12?

Whatever the goal, go take a walk today. Bundle up good and go out for 10 minutes. This is not going to help you lose the 20 pounds you promised yourself you'd take off in 2008. But it is a symbolic act, a reminder that you can continue to work toward a worthy goal even if you know you won't achieve it (I remember this story about a guy named Moses . . .he got a lot done, I do believe.) There is value in taking a step (or 10 minutes' worth) down a path to a worthwhile destination--even if you don't expect to see your personal Promised Land in the time you allot for it. All or nothing thinking ("I've failed, so why bother") is not only a waste of time, but it demoralizes you as well.

It is still 2008. You still have time to try. Just take a step!

P.S. Just two more Holidailies! After 1/1, we go back to weekly motivators here and on Susan's blog. Looking forward to supporting your get-healthy efforts in 2009!

P.P.S. Check it out! I redid a bunch of stuff at, so go click links!

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