When you are on edge, when things slip out that you didn’t mean to say, when your face is buried in your hands because nothing is safe to look at, you can take immediate steps to cool down and focus.
#1 Get off by yourself. Lock yourself in a bathroom, or better yet, take a walk.
#2 Drink a glass of water and get rehydrated.
#3 Eat an apple or some carrots—fortify your system rather than undermining it with sugar and fat.
#4 Go lay down! Either get to bed before midnight or take a 20-minute nap.
#5 Call a disinterested party: Your buddy in Texas, your therapist—someone who is NOT involved in your daily drama.
#6 Force a little catharsis. If you're feeling growly, rent Sweeny Todd. If you need a good cry, sing along with Dan Fogelberg.
When you feel extra pressure, figure out what your release valves are--and use them intentionally. In maintaining your emotional health (which is always tied, of course, to your physical health) planning and foresight will get you through.
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