Here's an interesting little experiment. Pretend you are holding a large slice of lemon in your hand--juicy, thick, bright yellow. Now lift that lemon slice to your mouth and pretend to bite down.
Did you wince? Do you suddenly have extra saliva in your mouth?
Your body doesn't know the difference between a real stimulus and an imaginary one. If you watch a movie with 300 guys getting slaughtered, you will cringe, duck, and your adrenal glands will pump out stress hormones. If you light a candle scented like the ocean, you will breathe a little more deeply and your shoulders will relax slightly.
When it comes to managing your weight and lifestyle choices, you know where the problems are. You know every drive-thru between your job and home. You know who is likely to call you and say, “Let’s go out for pizza!” You know that the elevator is right next to the stairwell you avoid. We all have obstacles to healthy living—but seldom are these real surprises.
Why not use the power of your imagination to visualize, rather than worry? Instead of dreading the family holiday party, imagine yourself choosing a plate full of brightly colored fresh foods. Instead of fretting about all of the candy on your coworkers' desks, imagine yourself efficiently clearing away task after task on your own desk (and sitting down to your own lunch of a piping hot Lean Cuisine, fruit-flavored bottled water and fresh orange).
I'm not a total Pollyanna. I think positive thinking can only take you so far. But you can have an organized, productive life. You can be in control of yourself and enjoy your time with friends and family. Take some time to imagine what that will feel like, and what it will involve. Once you’ve imagined the steps to take, then take one step.
I think I'm ready to take that step! Can you tell me how to "visualize" away pain?? It seems I've been stressing my muscles and joints in such a way to avoid putting any stress on my abdominal area, that I'm now almost unable to stand up straight without pain shooting through my back. I'm breathing deeply, I'm listening to peaceful music, and I'm taking pain meds. I'm too young to feel this old.
by the way... what is lotus yoga?
Have the docs told you not to use your abs at all? At some point I should think it would be rehab time--time to start contracting them again. Your back is telling you, "Now! Please contract your abs now!"
In yoga, we actually do "visualize" away pain a little . . . Breathing into the location of pain warm, massaging air, and breathing out tension. But none of that will replace rightful posture.
Lotus Yoga is a beginning yoga class "boot camp" style: The aim is transformation, both physical weight loss and mental/emotional attitudes about yourself and life. It runs 6-7a each weekday and the first classes are in January. For more info, visit http://www.radiantfitness.com/lotusyoga.html.
I hope you are through the pain soon!
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