Monday, December 17, 2007

Do You Get In Your Own Way?

Hi Friends,
One of my "lightbulb moments" occurred, predictably, while watching Oprah a few years back. A young mother of a five-year-old girl was crying because she was so overweight and out of shape that she couldn't walk the 1/4 mile to the local playground. She didn't have enough strength and stamina at the time to push her daughter on the swings. So the active child was forced to stay home and watch TV because Mom couldn't manage to do anything with her.

I was pregnant at the time and had gained much more weight than my doctor liked. I was on bed rest for high blood pressure and that show hit me like a rock in the head.

Poor health isn't a problem because of what it does to us--it's a problem because of what we do to ourselves. If your lifestyle choices--whether you exercise, whether you smoke, what you eat, how you spend your time--get in the way of your desires and dreams, what do you do?

Do you change your choices or do you throw away your dreams?

Sometimes the body isn't the roadblock--our attitude is. Do you avoid the refreshing water and warm summer sun in summer because you don't want to be seen in a swimsuit? Do you let fear of other people's opinions prevent you from dancing at a wedding reception--sitting at a table, toes tapping, head bopping all night long? Does distaste for your body prevent you from doing what you want to do?

Whether your body is physically unable to do what you want, or your heart is too broken to try, this day, this week can be a new beginning for you. You can make one choice to be good to yourself and have it have an immediate benefit. One less cigarette means lower blood pressure for the next 24 hours. One 15 minute walk means a better mood. One serving of fruit or vegetables means your GI tract will work faster and better. Tiny choices, over and over again, are the steps to living the life you desire.


P.S. class updates:
Belly Dance 101 is already half full! If you might want to take this class, let me know as soon as possible so you don't get stuck on the wait list:
Monday, 9a Senior Fitness at Walton is on for today, then again on 12/31 and through the new year.
Monday 10:30a Senior Fitness at Williamstown is on for today, then starts again 1/7/08.
Free Community Yoga at Richwood Pres is scheduled for 12/19, then starts again 1/9/08.
Belly Dance Fitness at DRE (Dry Ridge) starts again at 6p on 1/9/08.
NKU Yoga (NEW CLASS!) begins 1/17 and runs Thursdays at noon. E-mail me for more info at

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