Sunday, January 03, 2010

The Best Laid Plans

Ah, 2009 was going to be great, wasn't it?

My house was going to become a Martha Stewart vision of hostessy perfection. My children would have regular hair cuts and perfect grades. I was going to get back down to 115 (again) and stay there forever.


Then 2009 happened.

Well, let's forget about that, shall we?

It's 2010 now, so:
My house will become a vision of Martha Stewarty perfection. My children will have fashionably long and straggly hair and perfect grades. I'm going to get back down to 115 (again) and stay there forever.

How about you?


Kaethe said...

I'm going to read more books off my shelves, before I acquire new ones. I like my goals to be plausible.

radiantfitness said...

Is that really plausible, Kaethe?

I laugh, but I too am purging the to-be-read pile this year. My new rule is--No New Shelves! If there's no place for the new book, something must go.

So far in 2010, my sons have really straggly hair.

Kaethe said...

It's working so far. I've already polished off two books that were loaned to me last year, and now I'm in the midst of one I bought last year.

Of course, the library has six books on hold for me to pick up this afternoon....

Hey, what a coincidence, my girls have really straggly hair, too.