Sunday, March 16, 2008

Happy New Year (Again)

Spring springs on Wednesday. Robins in the yard. Daffodils in bloom. Bunnies and chicks and eggs and shoots and sunlight, finally and again.

Every year we make our annual plans in the dead of winter, when its dark, cold and our more intelligent mammal neighbors are hunkering down, hibernating and conserving energy. New Year's Day is not naturally intuitive. It doesn't follow the rhythms and cycles of the planet. And for this reason as well as many others, I think most of our newly-minted resolutions are doomed.

But this week, we can begin again. The world is waking up, so why can't we? Instead of berating yourself for a New's Year's resolution gone wrong, think about what little changes you can make now so that by the time winter rolls around again you are ready. How about a six-month resolution? What would you like to see happen with your health and life between now and next Autumnal Equinox (or Halloween if you're just not feeling equinoctal?)

Open up. Stretch out. Wake up. Make a little plan. And share it with me at (or just post it as a comment on the blog).


P.S. Belly Dance 101 is open for registration. Class begins 4/15 and only 11 slots are available (people are registering now!) so sign up today!

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