Lately the other personal fitness trainers on one of my e-mail loops have been unhappy. Business is down because the economy is down. While, as an industry, we've been making progress teaching people that fitness education is for everyone (not merely the wealthy elite), when times get hard people don't contract with trainers. Some of my colleagues are going back to school now. Some are looking for permanent, full-time jobs (of any kind). Even as Radiant Fitness has expanded in the last month, it leaves me wondering--will I need to "jump ship" too?
I'm not planning on leaving the field any time soon. Radiant Fitness has grown in the last few years because we serve so many people in so many ways--from corporate lunch-hour yoga programs to evening dance classes. We have individual yoga clients and teach workshops to dozens, even hundreds. Because of our diversity of services and our conviction to teach you where and as you are, I'm fairly sure we'll still be stretching, dancing and walking with you for years to come.
But what about you? As you wonder what the bank bailout will mean for your future, have you considered your health? Now, more than ever, it's time review whether you can continue to afford that cigarette. It costs you money, it costs you time, and it costs you productivity--that winter bronchitis you get counts against you when an employer is deciding whom to "downsize."
And what about that walk you avoid taking? Regular walkers save about $2100 a year in health care costs. Break the stat down even further, and each minute you walk is worth about 45 cents. You can go out (after you type in your comments on this blog entry) and "make" $9.00 by taking a 20-minute walk. Or you stay on your sofa and lose that money down in the cushions (only you won't get it back by digging through the lint).
Being overweight, and, what's worse, sedentary, costs you hundreds in the short-term. In the long-term, who knows? Heart bypass surgery is about $50,000. Skilled nursing care and attendants at a long-term care facility? Thousands of dollars a month.
You may never decide you need a yoga instructor to come to your home and teach you how to live an active, centered life. You may decide ten bucks a week is too much for a dance class. You may not even want to spend the gas money to get to a free yoga or senior fitness class.
But what you cannot afford is to sit still and do nothing. That will cost you more in money and pain than fitness instruction ever could. Take a walk. Put in an exercise video. Move the laundry off that Total Gym bench and pull on those handles.
The only time I want to find myself out of business is when all of you are active, healthy and radiant. Then I'll hold the biggest retirement party there ever was, and to heck with the cost.
The HOLIDAILY is coming! If you want to receive the holidaily, send me a blank e-mail now. You must opt in! I will not transfer your address to the Holidaily list unless you choose it.
New belly dance classes begin 10/28! Keep your sanity up and your weight down through the holiday season with me!
Busy, busy, busy....
14 years ago
1 comment:
Clients of Radiant Fitness lose weight and feel radiant! From in-home personal training to weekend retreats to worksite wellness classes and presentations, we teach one how to get fit and healthy way. From belly dance to yoga, running to strength training, there's something for everyone on the journey to a radiant life.And what about that walk you avoid taking? Regular walkers save about $2100 a year in health care costs. Break the stat down even further, and each minute you walk is worth about 45 cents.
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