Monday, December 31, 2007

It Ain't Over Till It's Over

On January 1, 2007, you made a resolution. It probably involved your health or weight. If you made a good faith effort towards achieving your goal, good for you! If you fell short of your plans, then this is the time for a Grand Gesture: Bundle up and get outside today for a 15 minute walk. Or put on an extra sports bra and your Duran Duran CD and bop around the living room for 15 minutes (crawling on the floor during "Hungry Like A Wolf" is GREAT shoulder toning!)

No, you won't lose the 20 pounds that you promised yourself--but you will affirm to yourself that you are NOT a quitter, you are NOT weak-willed, and that you DO have the power to work for your goals.

Take this day to forgive yourself for falling short and figure out if your expectations are realistic. If they ARE realistic, figure out who and what can help you when you try again in 2008. You'd be surprised at what new, creative ideas come to you when you are crawling around to Duran Duran.

I have faith in you, and I'm proud of all you've done this year.

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