Monday, January 26, 2009

Goal weights

His Royal Highness, Bob Greene (you know, Oprah's Bob) said on Oprah's show a couple weeks ago that the problem with goal weights is that (a) you either never reach them or (b) when you DO reach them, you don't get the love/acceptance/accolades/new job/whatever you were looking for.

So I'm thinking and thinking and thinking about this. My goal weight (that I have not seen in six years) is 112--easily 15 pounds lighter than I am at the moment. I know I could hit it in six to seven dedicated weeks. I've known that for a year. Every so often I say to myself, "This is it! This will be the six-week hard-core flat-out period!" and I will get it done, for once and for all.

But--there it is, and it's so obvious that I want to slap myself on the forehead. There is no once and for all. When I was at 112, I didn't get a pass on sweating. I didn't get to stock my fridge with cheesecake and wine and go gallivanting to Monte Carlo on an all-you-can-eat cruise. I know it, I preach it, I teach it.

But we "fitness pros" are no different from you "civilians." Our bodies follow the same energy principles. Our minds play the same head games (and often more--many people come into this field because they know first-hand the crises excess weight can create). Once again, it's time for me to get over my "once and for all" thinking and move on. Literally.

What about you? What is the fantasy you need to acknowledge about your goal weight?

Monday, January 19, 2009

What is the Minimal Necessary?

A writer who teaches writing for writers recommends that we set our daily writing goal at 100 words per day. That's about 3-5 sentences (two, if you tend towards lengthy run-on sentences as I have been known to do). He points out that once you have settled in to achieve this teeny-weeny goal, you almost always do a little bit more.

It's a brain game, a trick. The Discipline Freak within me scoffs and says, "There is no teeny-weeny goal, there is only the Right Thing To Do."

The Realist within me, however, knows better. When you tell yourself, "I will eat half of a banana today and get one serving of fruit," you eat the whole banana (2 servings. YAY!) When you tell yourself, "I will walk down to the end of the driveway and back," you go out on the street and walk another half mile.

So make teeny-weeny goals this week--goals that are SO stupid-easy you simply cannot justify not attempting them, not even to yourself. "I will shake it to one Justin Timberlake song!" "I will do one push-up against the wall."

What will your teeny goal be? Post it in the comments. Come on, play the brain game. After all, games are fun!

P.S. You still have time to sign up for the series of Belly Dance 101. And Belly Dance Fitness is also a walk-in class. So shake off the frost and join us!

PPS: Join and "friend" me. You can also join the Radiant Fitness, LLC group. Class members in NKY may also friend Richwood Presbyterian Church. It's quick, easy, spam-free way to keep up with all of our goings-on!

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Is the Bloom off the Rose?

It is week two-point-five of 2008. How are you doing?

It doesn't take long to lose the momentum, does it? Even though the gyms are still buying TV ad space, the February magazines are coming onto the store shelves, covered in pink and red hearts, and the next candy holiday is already looming.

The credit card statements are in--and they are every bit as bad as we feared. Tax software is on the store endcaps. Finally, finally we are writing 2009 on our checks instead of 2008 (though I won't get the hang of that until April, at least).

Has the energy fizzled yet? If not, that's great. Keep on keepin' on!

If so, consider whether a resolution was what you needed in the first place. Have you promised yourself major, radical change for 2009? Was that reasonable? Do you have the tools to meet your goals? Does anyone else know (or care about) what you have planned for this year?

If "no" is the answer to any of those questions, take stock now what you need and what you have. E-mail a friend (or, if you are really brave, post it in your facebook status bar) about your renewed commitment to yourself.

12 days is too soon to give up on yourself. Dust off, pick up, and take a flight of stairs. Twice.

Friday, January 02, 2009

Are You in Alignment?

Are You In Alignment?

In the world of yoga instructors, chiropractors and bodywork professionals, "alignment" is a really big deal. When knees twist, shoulders over-rotate and hips pop we get clients in pain.

In emotional and mental terms, being out of alignment means investing energy in tasks and causes that do not support our personal values. You know what your priorities are--family, career growth, spiritual community, causes that speak to your heart. Are these the areas of your life where you spend your time? Instead of working with animal rescue, are you busy taking care of your neighbor's yard? Instead of proposing new ideas to your supervisor, are you knee-deep in a desk full of paperwork chaos? This gap between what feeds your spirit and what eats it away creates a pain every bit as hurtful as that "bum" knee.

When your rotator cuff tears, you go to the doctor. When your heart hurts, ask someone for help. If you are out of alignment you can make choices, big and small, to move back to where and who you are meant to be.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

Happy New Year

Out with the old . . .
How did you do? Did you gain the Horrible Holiday Pound (or any of its friends?)

If not--congratulations! Great job keeping track of what you ate this holiday season, and finding time to get some exercise.

If so, then . . .

In with the new!

Today, and every day, is an opportunity to begin again. My New Year wish for you is that everything that comes into your life nourishes you physically, mentally, spiritually. I hope that you also succeed at letting go of those things (clutter, obligations, pounds of fat) that weigh and wear you down.

I raise a glass of sugar-free cranberry juice in a toast to all of you!