I am riding on a tide of bliss. I just got back from a lovely yoga class.
For me, this really is a big deal. After all, I'm usually the person in the front of the room doing all the talking (oh, so much talking!) A good fitness instructor in any discipline is responsible for creating a joyful experience for her class members--being clear, encouraging and adapting the class at a moment's notice to accommodate the variety of bodies and abilities in the room. After you manage all of that, it's hard to truly enjoy the workout yourself. And indeed, as the instructor, it's not about me (all jokes I make to the contrary). Good instructors teach their students and get their personal fitness experiences elsewhere.
But this class wasn't just any old yoga class: It was taught by Susan Unes, Radiant Fitness's new Yoga Specialist (isn't that a nice photo of her?) I can personally attest that she is a terrific instructor and delightful person. I feel longer, leaner, more alive after taking her class.
Susan is an Registered Yoga Teacher 200, which means she has completed two hundred hours of yoga instructor training with the Yoga Alliance, the primary certifying body for yoga in the US (and rapidly around the world). This is a stringent qualification that takes most people at least a year of intensive study and practice to complete. Susan has studied with some of the best master yogis of our time, including Cincinnati's own Lilias Folan, Erich Schiffman and Anusara Yoga founder John Friend (don't know who these people are? Trust me. They are the best of the best!)
Not only will Susan be teaching yoga classes for beginners, seniors, prenatal/postnatal mothers, youth and active adults, but she will take personal training clients as well who want to focus on creating a radiant lifestyle through yoga. From one-on-one yoga sessions to corporate retreats and seminars, Susan is greater Cincinnati's new "go-to" person for all things yoga.
On a personal level, Susan is compassionate, warm and creative. She came to yoga because she was in pain. Want to learn more about how yoga helped her? Visit her Radiant Yoga blog right now. Susan will blog each week about yoga and real life, so be sure to subscribe to her blog in the RSS feed AND e-mail her to get on the yoga mailing list.
If you have questions about what yoga is and what it can do for you, let her hear from you. In fact, do me a favor, will you? Send her an e-mail or post a comment on her new blog right now welcoming her to the family!