Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Your Thighs are Oil Wells


If you are one of the 2/3 of American adults with excess weight, then what you REALLY have is excess energy. Fat is stored energy (and petroleum is the earth's store of fat). You are probably sitting right now on all of the energy you need for, well, weeks at least!

So why do you feel lethargic, stressed, run-down if you have so much energy? It's one thing to store, it's another thing to use it. If you aren't adequately hydrated, your body won't release the fat into your bloodstream to burn. If you don't get moderate, regular exercise, your body simply isn't trained to utilize the energy. Unlike auto fuel, the more body energy you use, the more you will have. It's counterintuitive but true!

This is, of course, the Pollyanna-glass-half-full view of body fat, but I'm usually a Pollyanna-glass-half-full kind of gal. Check back in a couple of days (once the Halloween candy comes into the house) for the other side of the picture.

Now, I'm gonna get off my oil well, put on some Adam Ant, and dance around for 10 minutes or so for my 14-week old son. He thinks I'm better than Mario Lopez, and if I avoid the mirrors around this house, I can almost agree.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Welcome to the Radiant Fitness blog!

Dear friends,

I love my work as a fitness educator and personal trainer. I really enjoy watching my students and clients as they shed pounds, gain confidence, and allow their inner light to radiate for all to see.

In order for light to sparkle through a window, however, you have to roll up your sleeves and scrub off the dirt. Dirt I am so kindly sharing with you (yes, I know I've twisted this cliche inside out, but bear with me!) Through this blog, I intend to share with you what happens behinds the scenes in the life of, well, me. You'll get my relatively unvarnished opinions of what goes on in this mega-million dollar fitness industry (An "industry" based on one lonely truth: To stay fit, you must eat less and move more). You'll also hear about how I personally deal with the discouragement, body image issues and realities of being no longer 19 and 102 pounds. (I'll tell you the current numbers in a future post, so stay tuned!)

I look forward to hearing from you!
